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Our planet is unbelievably magnificent. To ensure its long-term habitability, we need to urgently reduce the carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere. Energy is the cause of 72% of global carbon emissions. Our mission is to help enterprises on clean energy measure and monetise their carbon avoidance, and showcase their commitment to sustainability.


Showcase the decarbonisation journey,
help people and the planet

Decarb Application

The first impact-driven
carbon credits

Generate high quality carbon credits from your renewable energy system that is truly making a difference.

The world's first home of

Show your customers your dedication to operating sustainably by showcasing your carbon avoidance to the world.

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Some of our recent
media appearances

Engineering News
UN Playbook
Media Update


Building lasting relationships
with our partners and clients

" brought to the table a great solution which could be implemented quickly and with limited involvement from our side. Subsequent trades have been a walk in the park. Kudos to the team!"

Co-founder and CTO of GoSolr

Patrick Narbel

Co-founder and CTO of GoSolr

"With a multi-blockchain network-of-networks approach encompassing the diverse capabilities of our partners, CarbonCX and XTCC, the ZERO13 ecosystem enables digital carbon credits, backed by smart contracts, to be officially accredited, issued, traded and settled to support the advancement of renewable energy technologies that are crucial for a sustainable future."

Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group and ZERO13

Hirander Misra

Chairman and CEO of GMEX Group and ZERO13

"CarbonCX is pleased to announce the completion of this first sale of digital carbon credits from African solar energy projects registered to its next-generation carbon credit platform. The sale occurred on the ZERO13 distribution platform into the SECDEX Marketplace, which is setting the global standard for efficient trading, exchange matching and real-time settlement of traditional and digital carbon credits. Working closely with ZERO13 and its industry-leading project partner,, we are also setting the standard for data recording, security, and transparency related to digital carbon credits in multiple regions."

Founder and Head of Strategy for CarbonCX Inc.

Dave Tims

Founder and Head of Strategy for CarbonCX Inc.

"We love art and we love our planet, and feel strongly about gentling our impact on our beloved Earth. When Marco told us we could switch to solar while saving money without the big upfront costs, we were very excited. It was a no-brainer when looking at the rising costs of electricity and the unreliable state infrastructure. We are immediately saving money on a monthly basis. Marco is endlessly enthusiastic and committed and the switch with MLT went seamlessly. It's really important to us to be part of the decarbonisation process, and a real privilege and honour to be the first business to be decarbonised through the platform. Happy Earth Day 2022 and beyond!"

Co-Owner, Hout Bay Gallery

John Hargitai

Co-Owner, Hout Bay Gallery

"We have been switching businesses and households to solar since 1986. For enterprises in particular the demand is great due to the ROI prevalent, but having the liquidity to pay for the system has always been a major stumbling block. It's been great working together with to solve this issue. If you're an enterprise looking to go green and pay less for electricity, and ourselves would be happy to help you with the transition!"

CEO, MLT Power

Gerard Malengret

CEO, MLT Power

"We had solar installed with MLT in 2012. Back then already, we understood the importance of going green and are happy to see the shift towards renewables taking place globally. When got in touch with us to showcase our carbon avoidance we were happy to do so! The world needs to decarbonise or the story of life could take a severe turn for the worse. We are happy to be a part of's community of enterprises reducing their carbon emissions!"

CTO, Hotel Verde

David Pollock

CTO, Hotel Verde


The people that
make it possible

Our Team

Team photo



We are in trouble. We are rapidly approaching what many well-informed scientific minds refer to as tipping points: serious, irrevocable alterations in how the earth's interconnected systems function.

The solutions exist. The providers thereof have obstacles and misaligned stakeholders to deal with. Those organisations that are doing the right thing find it difficult to differentiate themselves from those that are not or, even worse, those that preach doing good, while practicing the opposite. Aware individuals feel helpless to create change. If we don't however, future generations may not be able to tell the tale of how we failed our planet and our species.

None of this is a secret. We are confident a great number of the earth's inhabitants find the current state of affairs concerning and want to do something about it, but haven't yet found a viable medium through which to do so. We also know there are business entities of all types, from corporates to SMEs to NGOs that operate sustainably, or at least would like to. Our goal is to connect the stakeholders of our future in a logical and aligned manner. We envision an alternative economy where decarbonisation metrics and the reverence of consumer opinion are the measures of business success. Where Homo Sapiens [Lat.: Humans who are wise] vote with both their dollars and their attention to support those that operate in a sustainable manner. Where organisations in turn decarbonise, knowing this will benefit both the planet and the bottom line, and are rewarded for doing so. We believe in a culture of reciprocity, of entities showing gratitude to each other and their life-providing habitat.

As wise humans we have the ability to make conscious choices. Together we are stronger - our collective actions can effect change on a previously unimaginable scale, and we wield this power every time we make a choice. Every day we make choices, knowing that once they are made they cannot be unmade. Smoke cannot go back into a burning cigarette; a letter unread; the effects of carbon emissions easily reversed. Thus we need to be prudent with the choices we make.

Whether you believe in a glorious god, a precise programmer or a serendipitous scientist, if we act towards a common goal, in ways both big and small, then we can prevail. With less than a decade - or one 30 000th of our species' existence - in which to shift the paradigm, there is no more time to be passive. If you are here reading these lines, we hope you have already made your choice for a sustainable future. Now is the time to act upon it, and stay true to yourself and every other living organism of which we, as wise humans, are custodians.

This is your planet. This is our manifesto.

Join us! It might just become one of the most important choices you ever make.

